Download PES 2014 Full High Compressed
Posted by Elida Hafni Febrika
Selasa, 24 September 2013
Download PES 2014 Full High Compressed
Download PES 2014 Full High Compressed - Update Postingan Kali ini Akan Berbagi Informasi Terbaru Khusus Buat Sobat semua yakninya tentang
Download PES 2014 Full High Compressed, semoga bisa Bermanfaat ya Buat Sobat Semua. Lebih Jelas dan Detail Baca Selengkapnya.
Download PES 2014 Full High Compressed - Berikut ini adalah informasi mengenai
Download PES 2014 Full High Compressed yang tentunya akan diulas kusus buat sobat komputologi dimanapun anda berada.
Buat sobat komputologi yang penasaran dengan game
PES 2014 dan ingin mendownload gamenya bisa langsung download melalui link yang telah komputologi sediakan di bawah ini.
Sebelum anda mendownload, ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan terlebih dahulu terkait spesifikasi dari
PES 2014. Berikut informasinya:
Tentang PES 2014 (Bahasa Inggris):
is better to keep a positive perspective Pro Evolution Soccer 2014.
Extremely nice and she has made remarkable progress over the previous
version. The short version of the stadium in which I played the game, I
had extremely high accuracy, detail and atmospheric feel is real
Hmanndyk Stadium crowd as the other robots were ugly! Audience flags
were hoisted and with the team’s victory against the team itself was
hectic! But so far, the best feature of Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 video
game players. Useless for games that use Fox Engine has been very
obvious. Tkstchrhay skin look fantastic. The Weekly flowers and happy
after a goal you can easily see the veins under the skin of players
being beat. Or more active players see a drop of sweat., And similar to
their real faces of famous players like Balotelli, Ozil and
Schweinsteiger Shvayn a lot more honest.
the game, when the camera is in the default state, inevitably, many
details are obscure, but the game ends and the actions that you do in
lawn grass texture is closer to reality dramatically improve has. could
not be termed as the next generation of football games, but surely this
is the best Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 ever made for the current
generation of consoles.
The camera zoomed in as it is better to allow
players to move to higher ground with his teammates better and to
communicate. In Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 you’ll see better physics. As
the strength of the already very good players in this game system is a
new technology called “sustainable mobility” is used, the system will
allow players who are under pressure until well aware the team are in a
good position, we can say that the system is ineffective in physics ball
when the player is moving the player’s team can put pressure on the
ball and the ball is mine.
Fitur PES 2014:
- The evolution of the Fox Engine has allowed a better development of the soccer videogame
- TrueBall Tech, which provides a more realistic behavior of the ball in the field
- The Core: the videogame has had an evolution in the visual aspects
- Improvement of PES ID, which imitates the movements of the football stars and also the team style
- Motion Animation Stability System (MASS) improves the realism of the contact among players
- Heart: enables realistic behavior of the players according to their mood, the support of the fans, etc.
- Combination Plan in Team Play, which improves the use of the game tactics
- Free movements without ball
Spesifikasi Minimum untuk PES 2014:
- OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7 or above
- GPU: AMD Radeon HD 5450 512MB or Nvidia GeForce 510
- RAM: 2GB
- Hard-Disk: 8.5 GB of free space
Download PES 2014:
PES 2014 Part 1
PES 2014 Part 2
PES 2014 Part 3